Orange County Transit Service
OCTS is happy to accept call-in riders as well as riders on a daily or weekly schedule. Call anytime to schedule a ride: (812) 723-4043 or (888) 826-2920. The transit office phone line is open Monday through Friday from 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you call after hours, you may leave a message. Closed weekends and major holidays.
Please call at least 72 hours in advance to schedule your trip.
If you cannot call in advance, we will make every effort to accommodate your needs.
Individuals needing a service accommodation or reasonable modification should notify OCTS Transportation Director Crystal Mattingly of all requests when making a reservation. An escort or personal care attendant may accompany you at no charge.
OCTS service runs from 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
OCTS does not operate on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Orange County Transit Service is a Medicaid Provider and ADA compliant
OCTS information is also available in alternative forms upon request.
Individuals with a hearing-impairment may call TTY 711 or (800) 743-3333 for assistance.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Transit Director– Crystal Mattingly cmattingly@firstchancecenter.com
Dispatcher Lisa Beasley
Driver carry no cash, so exact change is needed! OCTS will accept checks.
Within Paoli, French Lick, or Orleans:
Round Trip: $5.00
One-way: $4.00
Orleans to Paoli:
Round Trip: $6.00
One-way: $5.00
French Lick to Paoli:
Round Trip: $7.00
One-way: $6.00
Orleans to French Lick:
Round Trip: $15.00
One-way: $14.00
$1.00 per extra stops in route
To find out the exact cost of a trip between two points outside of city limits or the county call the OCTS office at (812) 723-4043.